
JC Adventures Chapter 1

  Headed overseas at last! Out to the seaports in the east, trying to find a workaway passage on a freighter to Europe. But no chance of that; unions and company policies didn’t make room for such temporary crew any longer. I did get an offer to stow away on a British ship in Halifax, but it’s lucky that I didn’t take the offer ‘cause such stowing away only works to get back to your home country. If you stow away to a foreign country then you have to sneak ashore and avoid the immigration officials, and then you’re illegally in that country with no entry stamp in your passport, and will get caught when you try to leave legally. I finally had to pay for a passage on a Norwegian freighter, out of Montreal. Steaming down the St Lawrence River and out into the wide Atlantic on that big ship was a real thrill for a prairie boy who hadn’t ever seen ships or the ocean before. Ran through some stormy north Atlantic weather and some fog, with the fog horn blaring, all exciting stuff.…. Can’t tu